
106 New COVID-19 Cases in Hawai'i: Higher Case Count Partially Due to Lab Reporting Issue on Maui - Maui Now

There were 106 new COVID-19 cases reported in Hawai‘i on Saturday, including 23 on O‘ahu, 75 on Maui, three on Hawai‘i Island, and five in Hawai‘i residents diagnosed out-of-state.

*As a result of updated information, two cases on O‘ahu were removed from the counts.

The DOH Disease Outbreak and Control Division reports that 31 of the cases from Maui were not previously confirmed due to a laboratory reporting issue. These cases occurred between Nov. 29, 2020 and Feb. 18, 2021. These cases are not included in the current seven-day averages.

The higher case counts on Maui also include 19 positive cases that are part of a current cluster at Maui Community Correctional Center, and a cluster at a community housing complex. Community spread is also the cause of smaller clusters related to food and drink establishments.

DOCD is receiving new electronic test results from a Maui testing site, resulting in approximately 16,500 newly reported historic negative results from November to now, included in Maui and statewide testing counts. These statistics are reflected on DOCD’s COVID-19 website.


Contact tracing, isolation and quarantine measures are being used to control
these clusters. Vaccination is being offered at MCCC and in areas where outbreaks are a concern.


Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 439 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu. The deaths included one man in his 80s and another in his 90s, both who were hospitalized with underlying conditions.

Maui District Health Officer Warns Higher Case Counts Could be Ahead

Dr. Lorrin Pang, the DOH Maui District Health Officer, is concerned about community spread and urges everyone to take these rising case numbers on the Valley Island very seriously.


“We really need to ramp up compliance to safety protocols or the alternative would be really high case numbers in the coming week, possibly resulting in tighter restrictions,” Pang said.

He and other public health experts are appealing to people across Hawai‘i to mask up, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently…even as restrictions in some places are being relaxed.

California Variant Present on Maui

On Friday the state Department of Health confirmed a variant of concern, associated with an increase of COVID-19 cases on Maui. The B.1.429 variant, previously called L452R, is the predominant strain in California. Health officials say at least one lab study has shown that there may need to be more antibody in order to neutralize this strain of the virus, and it may be more transmissible than other COVID strains.


The state Department of Health has linked 58 cases to specific zip codes on Maui, since the previous day’s report. The newly categorized cases include: 19 in Lahaina, 16 in Kahului, 12 in Wailuku, nine in Kīhei, and two in Haʻikū.

There are about 112 outstanding cases in Maui County that have not been attributed to a specific zip code in DOH mapping.

Maui’s 14 day average for new cases is 24 and test positivity rate over the same period is 4.1 percent. 

There are 10 individuals hospitalized in Maui County with COVID-19, according to counts last updated on Feb. 27, 2021, from the Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency

Note: The state Department of Health count reflected one new hospitalization for Maui County in today’s reports.

There are 18 ICU beds being used in Maui County at this time (out of 31 currently available). None of the ICU beds are being used by COVID-19 patients. Thirteen ventilators (out of 38 available) are being used in Maui County, none of them are by COVID-19 patients. 

Through Feb. 24, 2021, an estimated 318,542 doses of vaccine have been administered statewide out of the 380,310 vaccine doses received in Hawai‘i. An estimated 13.9 percent of the population has received a first dose in Hawaiʻi, or 196,393; and 100,426 received a second dose out of the 1,415,786 people in Hawaiʻi.

On Maui, the DOH reports that 9.1 percent of the population or 15,152 individuals have received a first dose of the vaccine; and 6.4 percent or 10,641 individuals have completed two doses. In total, Maui County has administered 25,793 doses among a total population base of 164,417.

Maui County currently has the smallest percentage of its population vaccinated compared to other counties in the state; however, Lieutenant Governor Josh Green said 10,000 to 12,000 administered doses are unaccounted for due to a lag in data entry as health workers on Maui transfer paper files to the CDC’s VAMS registry site. 

Of the 2331 cases documented in Maui County over the course of the pandemic, Wailuku has the most current infections on island over the past two weeks with 83 cases. The zip code returned to the orange DOH mapping classification today (Feb. 22) for locations with rates of 51-200 cases over a two week period.

Kahului is listed in the same category and has had 57 cases over the last two weeks. 

Lahaina dropped below 50 cases on Feb. 9 and now has 38 cases reported over the last two weeks.  Kīhei returned to the medium yellow category (11-50 cases over two weeks) on Feb. 21 with 15 cases over 14 days.

Other areas of Maui Island have low rates of infection ranging from 0-10 cases over two weeks. The new cases today bring the cumulative total of cases to 27,503 statewide, reported since Feb. 28, 2020.

The cumulative total of cases in Maui County is 2331 cases over the course of the pandemic.  To date, there have been 27 cases on the island Molokaʻi and 108 on Lāna‘i and 2196 on Maui.

Of the 2331 cases documented in Maui County over the course of the pandemic, Kahului had the most cases (554), followed by Wailuku (465), Lahaina (387), Kīhei (355), Makawao (145), Lānaʻi (108), Haʻikū (74), Kula (59), Spreckelsville (45), Molokaʻi (27) and Hāna (1-10).

Cases by island include:

  • Hawaiʻi County: 2240 (three new; 25 within last 14 days; 101 required hospitalization; and 53 deaths)
  • Honolulu County: 21,913 (23 new; 324 within last 14 days; 1615 required hospitalization; 349 deaths)
  • Kauaʻi County: 183 (0 new; four within last 14 days; eight required hospitalization; one death)
  • Maui Island: 2196 (75 new; 226 within last 14 days; 129 required hospitalization; 33 deaths)
  • Molokaʻi: 27 (0 new; one within last 14 days; one required hospitalization; 0 deaths)
  • Lāna‘i: 108 (0 new; 0 within last 14 days; five required hospitalization; 0 deaths)
  • Pending: 0
  • Residents diagnosed outside of Hawaiʻi: 836 (five new; no data is available for cases within last 14 days; six required hospitalization; and three deaths)

**The state Department of Health says “using cases reported in the past 14 days provides a rough approximation of the number of cases currently meeting criteria for isolation. This proxy number for “active cases” resolves classification issues for cases unable to be reached or who are out of jurisdiction, for whom precise release from isolation date may not be possible to determine. It is also not influenced by lags in data entry.”

There are three COVID-19 clusters identified in Maui County, according to an updated report issued on Thursday, Feb. 15. This included: one cluster at a correctional facility, one in the travel/lodging/tourism sector, and one in cleaning services. The cluster at the Maui Community Correctional Center was updated today to include 50 inmates who tested positive (34 are active and 16 have recovered).

To date, there have been 437 COVID-19 related deaths in Hawaiʻi including: 349 on Oʻahu, 33 in Maui County, 53 on Hawaiʻi Island, one on Kauaʻi and three deaths in residents diagnosed while out-of-state including one of an elderly Kaua‘i resident who died out of state, in Arizona, and another involving a male between the ages of 60-69 years old with underlying medical conditions who had been incarcerated out of state and died at a hospital.

Scroll down for a list of prior COVID-19 related deaths.

Cases with onset in the last 14 days have been in all areas of Maui Island except the East Maui town of Hāna, according to DOH mapping. 

The island of Molokaʻi was added back to the active map on Feb. 11, with a new case reported at the time, additional new cases were reported on Feb. 15, and 18, bringing the island wide total to 27. 

As of Nov. 21, Lāna‘i’s case load lightened to 0 cases reported within the last 14 days, out of a total 108 reported over the course of the pandemic. On Lānaʻi, 105 of the 108 total infections are associated with the outbreak, first reported on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020. Large social gatherings and household transmission have been identified as the main drivers of this outbreak. A safer-at-home order concluded on Nov. 30, 2020, and the island returned to an act-with-care status as of Dec. 1, 2020. Lānaʻi had new cases reported on Jan. 28, and Feb. 5 and 6, 2021.

The East Maui town of Hāna was added back to the active map on Nov. 19, dropped off the active list on Dec. 3, and added back to the active map on Jan. 3, and removed on Jan. 17. Over the course of the pandemic the total number of cases is listed as ranging from (1-10). 

The state Department of Health counts visitors that are diagnosed here – they don’t count visitors that were diagnosed outside of Hawaiʻi.  For residents, the DOH counts both: those that are diagnosed outside of Hawaiʻi are counted under the category, “Residents diagnosed outside of Hawaiʻi.”

The volunteer post-arrival testing is for both returning residents and visitors. For this testing, the county asks people to test about 72 hours after arrival as a secondary or “sandwich” test to their pre-arrival testing. 

As of Feb. 23, 2021, this program has deployed 24,002 tests with 541 testing positive for COVID-19 (including Harbor Lights testing). The voluntary testing positivity rate is 2.2 percent. 


New Maui Rules Include Restricting Occupancy at All Retail Businesses to 30 Percent

new set of amended emergency rules went into effect for Maui County on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 12:01 a.m. 

  • Restricting retail facilities to a capacity of 30% or less;
  • Bars and Restaurants Still Subject to 10 p.m. Closure for Dine-in; Curbside or Drive Through Service May Continue Beyond That Time
  • Face Mask Rules Revised to Clarify for Beach/Pool Areas
  • Revised Mask Rules at Gyms, Yoga Studios and Similar Venues
  • Changes to Pre-Travel Testing Program: All interisland and transpacific travelers who want to avoid the 10-day quarantine by pre-testing negative for COVID-19 within the State’s Safe Travels Program must also: (1) Download either the AlohaSafe Alert application or another Google-Apple Exposure Notification System application (2) Or enable their exposure notification setting on their mobile device

The newly amended public health emergency rules are posted in their entirety at the County of Maui website.

APPROVED:  Reduction in Gathering Size from 10 to 5

Maui Mayor Michael Victorino received approval for a change in gathering size from 10 people down to 5 people, in order to keep gatherings smaller.

Gov. Ige Signs 18th COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation, 

The proclamation includes mention of an anticipated new exception for vaccinated travelers that will become effective only upon approval by the director of the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency.  *This exception is not available as of today.

Gov. Ige said, “The state is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is asking the CDC for explicit guidelines on vaccination and travel. This EP acknowledges vaccinated travelers/quarantine as a future exception, but the state will wait for specific guidance from the CDC before implementing a quarantine exception for vaccinated travelers.”

Gov. Ige Signs 17th COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation, Reducing Quarantine From 14 to 10 Days

Governor David Ige signed a 17th COVID-19 emergency proclamation reducing the state’s mandatory self-quarantine period for travelers entering the state and traveling between counties from 14 to 10 days. The new policy took effect on Thursday, Dec. 17 at 12:01 a.m.  The change is based on updated recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Hawaiʻi’s Department of Health in December.

Limited Reopening on O‘ahu: Honolulu Transitions to Tier 3 of Reopening Plan  

Oʻahu entered Tier 3 of its four-tiered reopening plan at midnight on Thursday, Feb. 25. The island had been under a limited reopening phase since Oct. 22. Under Tier 3, businesses face less restrictive guidelines for operation and there is an increase in the number of people who can gather in specified settings. 


COVID-19 RELATED DEATHS IN HAWAI‘I: (Currently stands at 439)

  • (Feb. 27) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 439 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu. The deaths included one man in his 80s and another in his 90s, both who were hospitalized with underlying conditions.
  • (Feb. 26) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 437 with two new deaths reported today–including one death each on O‘ahu and Maui.
  • (Feb. 24) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 435 with four new deaths reported today–two on O‘ahu and two on Maui.
  • (Feb. 21) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 431 with one new deaths reported today on O‘ahu. 
  • (Feb. 19) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 430 with two new deaths today–one reported on O‘ahu and the other on Maui.
  • (Feb. 18) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 428 with one new death today reported on O‘ahu.
  • (Feb. 17) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 427 with one new death today reported on O‘ahu.
  • (Feb. 14) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 426 with one additional death today on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Feb.12) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 425 with one additional death today on O‘ahu. The death involved an O‘ahu man in his 60s who was hospitalized with underlying conditions.
  • (Feb. 11) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 424 with one additional death today on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Feb. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 423 with five additional deaths today–three on Maui and two on O‘ahu.
  • (Feb. 7) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 418 with two additional deaths today on O‘ahu.
  • (Feb. 4) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 416 with two additional deaths today. on O‘ahu.
  • (Feb. 3) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 414 with four additional deaths today. on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 31) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 410 with three additional deaths today–two on O‘ahu and one on Maui.
  • (Jan. 29) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 407 with one additional deaths today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 28) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 406 with three additional deaths today–both on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 27) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 404 with three additional deaths today–two on O‘ahu and one on Maui.
  • (Jan. 26) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths were adjusted upward to 401. This accounts for the 59 (revised by DOH) previously unreported COVID-19 related deaths that were confirmed on Monday. The deaths occurred in August through December, 2020 with 51 deaths reported on O‘ahu, six on Hawai‘i and three on Maui. 
  • (Jan. 24) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 342 with six new deaths reported today–five on O‘ahu, and one on Hawai‘i Island. 
  • (Jan. 23) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 336 with four new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 22) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 332 with four new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 21) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 328 with three new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 20) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 325 with one new death reported today on Maui. The victim is a Maui woman, 70-79 yrs, who died in the hospital with underlying conditions. 
  • (Jan. 19) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 324 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 17) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 322 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 16) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 320 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Jan. 14) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 318 with four new deaths reported today on O‘ahu and one on Maui. All had underlying conditions and were hospitalized at the time of their deaths. The Maui case involved a man in his 90s.
  • (Jan. 13) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 312 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu and one on Maui. The O‘ahu deaths included a female between the ages of 40-49 years and a male 50-59 years old. The Maui death involved a male between 60-69 years old. All three had underlying conditions are were hospitalized at the time of their passing.
  • (Jan. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 309 with two new deaths reported today, one on O‘ahu and one in a Hawaiʻi resident diagnosed outside of the state. 
  • (Jan. 9) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increasz`ed to 307 with four new deaths reported today, all on O‘ahu. 
  • (Jan. 8) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 303 with four new deaths reported today, all on O‘ahu. 
  • (Jan. 6) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased by 10 today to 299 with nine new deaths reported today on O‘ahu and one on Maui. The state Department of Health reports that the deaths occurred between Nov. 12 and Dec. 19. The Maui death involved a man between the ages of 70 and 77, who was hospitalized with underlying conditions. The Maui death was the 18th since the start of the pandemic. 
  • (Jan. 1) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased by one to 289 with a new death reported today on Oʻahu.
  • (Dec. 31) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased by three to 288 with new deaths reported today on O‘ahu (2) and Hawai‘i Island (1).
  • (Dec. 23) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 285 with three new deaths reported today on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 20) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 282 with one new death reported today on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 18) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 281 with one new death reported today on the island of O‘ahu. The latest case involves a female between the ages of 60-69 years old, who had underlying conditions and was hospitalized at the time of her death.
  • (Dec. 17) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 280 with two new deaths reported today–one on the island of O‘ahu, and the other on Hawai‘i Island. The latest case involves a female between the ages of 60-69 years old, who had underlying conditions and was hospitalized at the time of her death.
  • (Dec. 16) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 278 with four new deaths reported today on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 13) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 274 with three new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 12) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 271 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 11) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 269 with one new death reported today on O‘ahu. The latest passing is a man, 50-59-years old, who died at home. He had underlying health conditions.
  • (Dec. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 268 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 9) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 deaths increased to 266 with four new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 6) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 262 with one new death reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 5) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 261 with two deaths on Hawai‘i Island and three new deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Dec. 4) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 256 with seven new deaths reported today on Hawai‘i Island and three new deaths on O‘ahu.  Seven deaths at a Hawai‘i island long-term care facility, which experienced a COVID-19 outbreak in October, have now been classified by DOH as coronavirus related, as a result of updated information. The deaths include three women and four men, all who had underlying health conditions and ranged in age from 60 to 80+ years old. Three additional deaths were reported from O‘ahu today, also occurring more than two-weeks ago. All were men, ranging in age from 30 to 80+ years old. All had underlying health conditions and two of the men had been in the hospital.
  • (Dec. 3) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 246 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu. A woman, 80-years-old or older, had been hospitalized with underlying conditions. A man, in the 70-79-year-old age group, had also been in the hospital and had underlying conditions.
  • (Nov. 29) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by four to 244 with two new deaths reported today on O‘ahu, and two new deaths on Hawaiʻi Island.
  • (Nov. 27) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 240 with three news deaths reported today on O‘ahu. All were from Honolulu, had underlying conditions and had been hospitalized. Two were male, one between the age of 60-69 years old and the other between 70-79 years old. The other was female, between the age of 70-79 years old.
  • (Nov. 26) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 237 with two news deaths reported today on O‘ahu.
  • (Nov. 25) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 235 with two news deaths reported today–one on O‘ahu and the other on Kaua‘i, marking the island’s first COVID-19 death. Both involved males who had underlying conditions. The first was a man from Honolulu, between 70 to 79 years old. The other was over 80 years old, from Kaua‘i.
  • (Nov. 22) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 233 with two new deaths reported today, both on the island of O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Nov. 21) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 231 with seven new deaths reported today, all on the island of O‘ahu. Details surrounding the deaths and when they occurred have not yet been released by the state Department of Health.
  • (Nov. 20) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by one to 224 with one new death reported today in a Hawai‘i’ resident diagnosed out-of-state. The death involved a male between the ages of 60-69 years
    old with underlying medical conditions who had been incarcerated out of state and died at a hospital.
  • (Nov. 18) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by one to 223 with one new death reported today on the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Details are pending release.
  • (Nov. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 222 with one additional death reported today on the island of O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Nov. 8) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 221 with one additional death reported today on the island of O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Nov. 7) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 220 with one additional death reported today on the island of O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Nov. 3) The state COVID-19 dashboard updated Maui’s death toll to 19, but kept the statewide toll unchanged at 219.  The two additional deaths in Maui County were explained by Mayor Michael Victorino during a press briefing on Nov. 2, 2020.
  • (Oct. 31) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 219 with an additional death reported today on Maui, and two deaths on Oʻahu.  Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 30) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 216 with an additional death reported today on Hawai‘i Island. A Hawai‘i island man, in the 70-79 year-old age group had underlying conditions and was in the hospital.
  • (Oct. 29) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 215 with two additional deaths reported today on the island of O‘ahu. Both were men with underlying conditions and both had been hospitalized. One man was between 50-59 years old and the other was older than 80.
  • (Oct. 28) The state’s death toll was adjusted downward to 213.  **As a result of updated information, two previously reported deaths were determined to not be related to COVID-19 and were removed from the counts (1 from Lānaʻi, and 1 from Maui).
  • (Oct. 27) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to at 215, with two new deaths reported today on Hawai‘i Island and one death on O‘ahu. The first involved a male on O‘ahu, between 70-79 years old. The others were on Hawai‘i Island, both males, between 60-69 years old, and over the age of 80. All had underlying conditions and were hospitalized at the time of their death.
  • (Oct. 24) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by three to 212, with three new deaths reported on the island of O‘ahu.  Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 23) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by three to 209, with three new deaths reported on the island of O‘ahu. All three were on O‘ahu. Two deaths involved males, 80+ years old, who were hospitalized with underlying medical conditions. The third death was a female, 80+ years old, who was also hospitalized with underlying medical conditions.
  • (Oct. 22) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by three to 206, with three new deaths reported on the island of O‘ahu.  All three involved males between 70-79 years old, who had underlying conditions and were hospitalized on Oʻahu at the time of their death..
  • (Oct. 21) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by 14 to 203, with four new deaths reported on the island of O‘ahu and 10 on Hawai‘i Island. Ten of those deaths have been reported as the result of updated information received on nursing homes in Hawai‘i County. The death of those dates range from mid-September to early October, and three of those individuals had been hospitalized at the time of their death. The four more recent deaths involved O‘ahu residents. The Hawai‘i Island cases include eight men, and two women, all 70 to 80 years or older who were nursing home residents. The O‘ahu cases involved one man and three women, all 80 years or older who had underlying conditions.  The man was a community care home resident and the women are all hospitalized.
  • (Oct. 20) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased by two to 189, with both new deaths reported on the island of O‘ahu.  Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 18) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 187, with one new death on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 17) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 186, with one new death on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 16) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 185, with one new death on O‘ahu.  Details are pending release. It involved a woman from O‘ahu over the age of 80, who had an underlying condition and was hospitalized at the time of her death.
  • (Oct. 15) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 184, with one new death on O‘ahu. It involved a man from O‘ahu over the age of 80, who had an underlying condition and was hospitalized at the time of his death.
  • (Oct. 14) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 183, with 10 new deaths. This includes five deaths on Maui,three on Hawai‘i Island and two on O‘ahu.  Seven of the deaths occurred between Aug. 15 and Sept. 30, 2020 and are now reported as a result of updated information received on their cause of death. The other three deaths, one on Hawai‘i Island and two on Oahu are recent, as of Oct. 1. The Maui deaths included three men (one between 60 and 69 years old and two above the age of 80) and two women over the age of 80. All had underlying health conditions. One of the women died at a nursing home and the other Maui patients were hospitalized.
  • (Oct. 13) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 173, with four new deaths. Three were on Honolulu. One involved a male between 60 to 69 years old, one male over the age of 80, and a female between 70 to 79 years old. The fourth death was on Maui and involved a female between 50 to 59 years old. She passed away in August, but it’s now being reported as a COVID-19 death as a result of updated information. All four had underlying conditions and were hospitalized at the time of their death.
  • (Oct. 11) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 169, with one new death reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 168, with two new deaths reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 9) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 166, with two new deaths reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 8) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 164, with one new deaths reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. The latest case involved a female, between 50-59 years old who had underlying conditions and was hospitalized at the time of her death.
  • (Oct. 7) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 163, with three new deaths reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. All three were men with underlying conditions and all had been in the hospital. Two were 70-79 years-old and the third was 60-69 yrs. old.
  • (Oct. 6) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 160, with three new deaths reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. All three women were women who had underlying conditions. Two were 80+ years-old and both died at home. The third woman was 60-69 yrs. of age and died in the hospital.
  • (Oct. 5) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 157, with one new death reported since yesterday on O‘ahu. The case involved an O‘ahu woman who was older than 80-years-old and had underlying conditions.  The state Department of Health reports the woman had been in the hospital.
  • (Oct. 4) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 156, with three deaths reported in Maui County. The three deaths occurred between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15, 2020 and were recently validated and classified as those records became available. All three deaths include individuals with underlying conditions who were hospitalized.  The individuals were a man between 60 and 69 years old, and two women–one between 50 and 69 years old and one who was 80 years or older.
  • (Oct. 3) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 153, with 11 new deaths reported since yesterday on the island of O‘ahu. Details are available here.
  • (Oct. 2) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 142, with three new deaths reported since yesterday on the island of O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Oct. 1) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 139, with three new deaths reported since yesterday on the island of O‘ahu. Two men, both with underlying conditions passed away in the hospital. One was 70 to 79-years old and the other was 60 to 69-years old. A woman, in the 80 to 89-year-old age group, also had underlying conditions and had been in the hospital when she passed away.
  • (Sept. 30) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 136, with two new deaths reported since yesterday on the island of O‘ahu. One is a man, in the 20 to 29-year-old age group, who had underlying conditions and had been in the hospital. The other death is a woman, in the 70 to 79-year-old age category, with underlying health conditions and passed away in the hospital.
  • (Sept. 29) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 134, with two new deaths reported since yesterday on the island of O‘ahu. One is a man, in the 70 to 79-year-old age group, who had underlying conditions and had been in the hospital. The other death is a woman, in the 50 to 59-year-old age category, with no known underlying health conditions. She too had been hospitalized. Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll now stands at 134.
  • (Sept. 27) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 132 with one new death on O‘ahu confirmed by the state Department of Health. Details are pending release. This was an O‘ahu woman, older than 80, who had underlying conditions and had been hospitalized.
  • (Sept. 26) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 131 with four new deaths on O‘ahu confirmed by the state Department of Health. A man, between 50 and 59-years-old had been hospitalized with no underlying conditions. Another man, 80 or older did have underlying conditions and was also hospitalized. Two women, both had underlying conditions and had been in the hospital.  One was 70 to 79-years old and the other was 60 to 69-years-old.
  • (Sept. 25) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 127 with three new deaths on O‘ahu confirmed by the state Department of Health. All three people had underlying health conditions, and all had been in the hospital. One was a man in the 60-69-year-old age group. Two women also passed away; one in the 50-59-year old age group and the other in the 60-69-year-old age group.
  • (Sept. 24) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 124 with two new deaths on O‘ahu confirmed by the state Department of Health. Both were males and one was between 50-59 years-old, the other was between 60-69 years-old. Both had underlying conditions and passed away while hospitalized.
  • (Sept. 23) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll increased to 122 with two new deaths on O‘ahu confirmed by the state Department of Health. A man, 80-years-old or older, passed away while hospitalized. Both he and a woman in the 70 to 79-year old age group had underlying health conditions. She passed away at home.
  • (Sept. 18) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 120 as the state confirmed 12 deaths on Hawaiʻi Island and one on O‘ahu. The state Department of health had previously accounted for only three deaths at the Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home in Hilo on Hawaiʻi Island; but today, officials confirmed 12 more deaths among residents of the facility.  These deaths include 11 men and one woman, all in the 70 to 80-year-old age group and with underlying health conditions.  Ten of the residents passed away at the home and two others were hospitalized.
  • (Sept. 17) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 107 with the passing of four more O‘ahu residents. Three women and one man, all from O‘ahu, all with underlying health conditions and who had been in the hospital, are the latest Hawai‘i residents to pass away from coronavirus. Two of the women were in the 70 to 79-year-old age group, and the third was in the 80 to 89-years-old group. The man was in the 60 to 69-year-old age group.
  • (Sept. 16) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 103 with the passing of three more O‘ahu residents. Two men and one woman, all from O‘ahu, all with underlying health conditions, and all in the 70 to 79-year-old age group are the latest to pass away from coronavirus. All three had been in the hospital.
  • (Sept. 15) An O‘ahu man, with underlying health conditions who had been hospitalized, becomes the 100th person to die from coronavirus-associated illness since the pandemic began in late February. He was in the 60 to 69-year-old age group.
  • (Sept. 13) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 99 with the passing of two more O‘ahu residents.  Details are pending release.
  • (Sept. 12) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 97 with the passing of one more O‘ahu residents.  Details are pending release.
  • (Sept. 11) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 96 with the passing of two more O‘ahu residents. One man and one woman from O‘ahu are the latest people to pass away from coronavirus. The man, in the 70 to 79-year-old age group had no known underlying health conditions and died at home. The woman was in the 40 to 49-year-old age group, did have underlying health conditions and also died at home.
  • (Sept. 10) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll also rises to 94 with the passing of three more O‘ahu residents.  The deaths include two men and one woman, all three of whom had underlying medical conditions and had been hospitalized. One man was in the 70 to 79-year-old age group and the other was in the 50 to 59-year-old age group. The woman was also in that age group.
  • (Sept. 9) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll also rises to 91 with the passing of three more O‘ahu residents.  All three were men who had underlying medical conditions. Two were in the 60 to 69-year-old age group and the third was in the 70 to 79-year-old age group.
  • (Sept. 8) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rises to 88 with the passing of two more residents–one O‘ahu resident, a man in the 60 to 69-year-old age group; and a woman on Maui, older than 80. Both had been hospitalized, and one was a nursing home resident.
  • (Sept. 7) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll also rises to 86 with the passing of one more resident on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Sept. 6). Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll also rises to 85 with the passing of one more resident on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Sept. 5) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll also rises to 84 with the passing of three more residents on the island of O‘ahu.
  • (Sept. 4) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rises to 81 with the passing of two more residents. Details are pending release.
  • (Sept. 3) Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll rises to 79 with the passing of four more O‘ahu residents, two men and two women. All had underlying health conditions. One of the men and one of the women were older than 80. Another man was in the 60 to 69-year-old age group, and the other woman was in the 70 to 79-year old age group.
  • (Sept. 2) There was one death linked to COVID-19 in Hawai‘i today on O‘ahu, bringing the state total since the pandemic began to 75.
  • (Sept. 1) There were four deaths linked to COVID-19 in Hawai‘i today, including three fatalities on O‘ahu and one on Hawai‘i Island, bringing the state total since the pandemic began to 74. Two (2) O‘ahu men, an O‘ahu woman, and a Hawai‘i island man are the latest people to pass away as a result of coronavirus. All had underlying medical conditions. The three O‘ahu individuals had been hospitalized and the Hawai‘i island man was in the Veteran’s Home. The woman and one O‘ahu man were in the 70 to 79-year-old age group, and the other two men were 80-years-old or older.
  • (Aug. 31) There were seven deaths linked to COVID-19 in Hawai‘i today, marking the deadliest day for the state since the pandemic began.  The fatalities included five on O‘ahu and two on Hawai‘i Island, bringing the state total since the pandemic began to 70.  On O‘ahu, four men, with underlying health conditions, were hospitalized before passing away. Two were older than 80, another was in the 70 to 79-year-old age group, and the third in the 60 to 69-year old group. A woman on O‘ahu, with underlying conditions was in the 60 to 69-year-old age group and was also hospitalized when she passed away. On Hawai‘i island two men, both residents of the State Veteran’s Home, and both older than 80 passed away.
  • (Aug. 30) There was one death on Sunday linked to COVID-19 on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Aug. 29) There were three deaths linked to COVID-19 on O‘ahu. Details are pending release.
  • (Aug. 28) There were also four more deaths linked to COVID-19, bringing the state total since the pandemic began to 59. The deaths include three on O‘ahu and one on Maui. A woman on Maui, older than 80, hospitalized and with underlying health conditions was Maui’s single reported fatality today. To date, there have been eight COVID-19 fatalities in Maui County.  On O‘ahu, two men, both with underlying medical conditions and both of whom had been hospitalized, passed. One was 70 to 79 years-old and the other was older than 80. A woman, from O‘ahu, between 70 to 79 years-old, hospitalized with underlying conditions, was the third victim on the island in today’s report.
    (Aug. 27) There were four more O‘ahu deaths linked to COVID-19, bringing the state total since the pandemic began to 55.
  • (Aug. 26) Hawai‘i’s coronavirus death toll reached 51, with the Department of Health reporting two additional deaths. Both are O‘ahu men who were in the hospital and had underlying health conditions. One of the men was in the 50 to 59-year-old age group, and the other was in the 60 to 69-year-old group.
  • (Aug. 24) The state Department of Health reports that there were two additional COVID-19 related deaths on the island of O‘ahu, bringing the total over the course of the pandemic to 49.  The victims are two O‘ahu residents, one man and one woman, both over 80-years old, and both with underlying medical conditions.
  • (Aug. 22) The state Department of Health reports that an O‘ahu resident is the state’s 47th COVID-19 death. Lt. Governor Josh Green said the death involved a 36-year-old man who was a frontline worker.
  • (Aug. 21) The state Department of Health reports that an O‘ahu resident is the state’s 46th COVID-19 death. Details are pending release.
  • (Aug. 20) An O‘ahu man, older than 60-years-old and the Lānaʻi man, 40-59 years old raise Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 death toll to 45. The O‘ahu victim had an underlying health condition, was hospitalized and passed away on Aug. 15. The Lānaʻi man had underlying health conditions and had been hospitalized on Maui. State officials say his death is believed to be travel related.
    (Aug. 19) Two elderly O‘ahu residents (a man and woman) are the state’s 42nd and 43rd COVID-19 death.
  • (Aug. 18) An O‘ahu man, 40-59 years-old, with underlying health conditions is the 41st COVID-19 death since the start of the pandemic.
  • (Aug. 13) Two O‘ahu men, both over 60-years-old are the latest COVID-19 related deaths in Hawai‘i.
  • (Aug. 12) There were four deaths reported on Aug. 12. The deaths of two of the men, both over 60-years-old, were made public on Aug. 11, but included in case counts for Aug. 12. The other two deaths are men 40-59 years old, at least one of whom had underlying health conditions. Investigations into all of the deaths are ongoing.
  • (Aug. 10) Three new COVID-19 related deaths were reported. According to data compiled by the state Department of Health, all are on the island of O‘ahu. The department also reports the 32nd, 33rd and 34th COVID-19 deaths. One is an elderly O‘ahu female, and the two others are elderly O‘ahu men, one who had underlying health conditions. The deaths continue to be under investigation.
  • (Aug.7) An O‘ahu man, older than 60, who passed away on Aug. 7. His death is being recorded as the 31st since the pandemic began.
  • (Aug. 6) *Case removed from count.  An elderly female, with underlying medical conditions, had been a resident at a Pearl City nursing home, but then was hospitalized. (This case has since been removed from the tally. Her attending physician assessed she likely died from an underlying condition).
  • (Aug. 6) An elderly man, also with underlying health issues, was also in the hospital when he died.
  • (July 27) A Honolulu man with underlying medical conditions has died.  Department of Health officials say the man was in the 40 to 59-year-old age group and had tested positive for COVID-19. An investigation into his cause of death continues, and it is recorded as the 27th COVID-19 death in Hawai‘i since the beginning of the pandemic.
  • (July 23) State officials extended condolences to the family and friends of the 26th person to succumb to coronavirus, an elderly O‘ahu woman. Her death was reported to DOH late Wednesday, July 22 and was included in the July 23rd recap.
  • (July 22) An Oʻahu man, between 40-59 years-of-age was the state’s 25th COVID-19 related death. The death was reported late Tuesday, June 21. This was the fourth COVID-19 death in this age group.
  • (July 17) An elderly O‘ahu woman, with underlying medical conditions, was the 24th death due to coronavirus for Hawai‘i. The woman died on Thursday, July 16, and her passing was reported the following day.
  • (July 17) Hawaiʻi reported a 23rd COVID-19 related death involving an elderly Oʻahu resident who had been isolating at home with family.  The state Department of Health confirms that the individual was a man over the age of 60 who had an underlying health condition.
  • (July 11-12 weekend) One patient was an elderly Kaua‘i resident who died out of state, in Arizona over the July 11-12 weekend. Health officials say the man had been receiving treatment for several months for underlying medical conditions.
  • (July 12) A female died in an O‘ahu hospital Sunday morning, July 12, and had previously been a resident of a care home.
  • (July 7) An elderly O‘ahu man with underlying medical issues died July 7th. State health officials say the man’s death was added today after a review of his health history and discussions with his primary care physician.
  • (July 3) An elderly patient on O‘ahu who was hospitalized with multiple underlying health issues.
  • (June 26) An elderly Honolulu man was the 18th death in Hawai‘i due to the coronavirus.  The last reported death prior to this was on May 3, one-and-a-half months earlier.
  • (May 3) The 17th death is a woman, over the age of 60 on Maui, with underlying medical conditions. She had been in the hospital at Maui Memorial Medical Center since late February. Her infection occurred in mid-April. “COVID-19 is not believed to be the primary cause of death, due to her other serious illnesses, but may have been a contributing factor to her passing,” health officials said.
  • (April 27) The 16th death is an Oʻahu woman who is over 65-years-old and had underlying conditions and had been hospitalized since early April.
  • (April 26) An O‘ahu man, over the age of 65, with underlying health conditions passed away on April 26. He had been in the hospital since early March and his infection was presumed to be community associated.
  • (April 24) The Hawai‘i Department of Health reported the 13th and 14th deaths associated with COVID-19 in the state. One is an O‘ahu man who had been hospitalized since the beginning of April, was over 65-years-old, and had underlying medical conditions. He had a history of travel to Las Vegas in March. The other is also an O‘ahu man, over 65-years-old, who’d also been hospitalized recently and also had underlying health conditions. His infection was the result of community-associated spread.
  • (April 20) The Hawai‘i Dept. of Health reports that two additional coronavirus related deaths occurred on April 20, bringing the total in the state to 12 since tracking began on Feb. 28, 2020.  The deaths occurred on O‘ahu and on Maui and both were men, 65-years-old, or older. On Maui, the man who passed had underlying health conditions. He had been in the hospital at Maui Memorial Medical Center since late last year, according to state Health officials.  This person’s death is considered related to the MMMC cluster.
  • (April 19) The fourth Maui case was confirmed on April 19, and was an adult male from Washington state in the 40-59-year age group who had no previous medical conditions. State health officials say the man’s exposure history may be travel-related.  The man had been hospitalized for an extended period in serious condition at Maui Memorial Medical Center.
  • (April 11) A woman, over 65-years-old is the ninth death from COVID-19. State officials say she had underlying medical conditions and had tested positive for the virus when she was hospitalized on O‘ahu.
  • (April 7) A third death in Maui County reportedly occurred on April 7, but was reported in the state count on Friday, April 10.  The third case involved an elderly individual who was in the chronic care unit.
  • (April 8) The second Maui death was announced on Wednesday, April 8, and was an unattended death. The person who passed was identified as an adult male resident over the age of 65.
  • (April 6)Maui reported its first COVID-19 related death on Monday, April 6, of an adult male over the age of 65 with underlying health conditions and exposure to travelers.
  • (April 4) An East O‘ahu adult male, over 65-years-old, is the 4th person to die from COVID-19. The individual passed on April 4, and based on preliminary information, this case was travel-related in that the person may have been exposed to someone who had traveled. He had been hospitalized.
  • (April 3) The Hawaiʻi Department of Health reported the death of a third individual with COVID-19. The elderly Oʻahu resident had been hospitalized in critical condition on life support for several weeks after returning from travel to Washington state.
  • (April 2) Hawaiʻi officials confirm a second COVID-19 related death in the state.
  • (March 30). Governor David Ige offered condolences to the family of an individual, as the state reported it’s first death linked to the COVID-19 virus. The individual passed away on March 20 and was identified as an older adult male resident of Oʻahu who was hospitalized with multiple medical issues and did have a positive COVID-19 exposure, according to state Health officials.  The presumptive positive result came back from a private lab.

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