JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Florida’s COVID-19 caseload reached 1,007 on Sunday evening as the number of cases across Northeast Florida rose to more than 100.

According to data released by the Florida Department of Health, the state reports 13 deaths throughout the state -- including two in Duval County and on in Clay County.

Of those cases, 107 were identified across Northeast Florida, including 39 in Jacksonville. On Sunday evening, the state confirmed its first coronavirus cases in Bradford, Columbia and Flagler counties.

At least 30 of Florida’s cases are residents of long-term care facilities, with 12 each in Duval and Broward.

There is a total of 11 cases at the University of Florida, which represent nearly one-third of the 35 patients who have tested positive in Alachua County.

The latest statewide tally marks a 177-case increase over the 830 cases originally reported Sunday morning. Of those, 937 are among Floridians and 70 are non-residents. Results for 933 tests are pending.

The 10 counties in Northeast Florida with confirmed cases include: Duval (39), Alachua (35), St. Johns (16), Clay (7), Baker (2), Columbia (2), Nassau (2), Putnam (2), Bradford (1) and Flagler (1).


Of the Duval County cases, 20 are men, 17 are women and two are of unknown gender, whose ages range from 11 to 91. The county has seen two deaths linked to the outbreak. Five of the cases are classified as travel-related, 13 are not and 21 more have unknown origins. So far, 389 people have tested negative and 42 test results are outstanding.

At least 11 of 35 Alachua County’s cases, which are made up of 20 women and 15 men aged 20 to 75, are related to travel. Eight cases are not considered travel-related, and the source of 16 cases remain unknown. At least 528 people have tested negative and 21 test results are pending.

St. Johns County’s 16 cases are divided among 12 men and four women aged 38 to 76, four of which are travel-related. One of the new cases on Saturday was a member of the Sawgrass Country Club, which has notified other members who were likely in close contact with him. Data show 194 people have tested negative and test results for 32 people are pending.

Clay County reports positive tests for three women and four men, one of whom -- a 70-year-old man -- died. Two of these cases were known to be travel-related. The county has reported 69 negative tests and nine test results are up in the air.

The first two cases confirmed in Columbia County are both women, ages 46 and 70. Neither case is believed to be travel-related. In the county, 17 people have tested negative for the virus and 16 test results are still pending.

Baker County has two confirmed cases among a man and woman whose ages range from 66 to 87. Nine people have tested negative for the virus and six test results are outstanding.

In Putnam County, there are two confirmed cases: a 67-year-old man whose case is travel-related and an 82-year-old woman whose case is not. Forty-five people have tested negative there and 30 test results are pending.

Nassau County also now has two cases. Two men, ages 48 and 68, have each tested positive for the virus and both are classified as being related to travel. Twenty people there have tested negative.

The lone case in Bradford County is a 69-year-old man, but travel is not considered a factor. An additional 13 people have tested negative for the virus in the county, according to the state.

It wasn’t immediately known whether Flagler County’s first case, a 72-year-old woman, was linked to travel. One test result is pending there and 48 others have come back negative.