JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health reported late Sunday morning that there were 830 positive cases of the coronavirus in the state.

According to the state Department of Health, one person who tested positive for COVID-19 in Palm Beach County has died, bringing the number of people who have died in Florida to 13.

In Northeast Florida, reported positive cases of the coronavirus reached 88 on Sunday.

Twelve more people in Jacksonville having tested positive for COVID-19. So far, a total of 37 people, including an 11-year-old boy, have tested positive for the coronavirus in Duval County. According to state data, nine of Duval County’s COVID-19 patients are residents of long-term care facilities, at least seven of whom are residents of Camellia at Deerwood on the city’s Southside.

The first positive case of COVID-19 was reported in Columbia County -- a 46-year-old woman.

Of the total number of cases, 768 Florida residents have tested positive, while 62 non-Florida residents have tested positive. There are 963 tests pending and 1,099 people were being monitored.


Of the Duval County cases, 20 are men, 16 are women and one is of unknown gender, aged 11 to 91. There are two deaths in the county. Two of the 37 patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 are non-residents. The state has classified at least four of those cases as travel-related, 13 as not being linked to travel and 20 as having unknown origins. So far, 329 people there have tested negative. The state said 40 test results are still pending, but that number will certainly go up as hundreds of people have been tested this week as two drive-thru testing sites are now open in Jacksonville.

At least 11 of 29 Alachua County’s cases, which are made up of 16 women and 13 men aged 20 to 69, are related to travel. Eight cases are not considered travel-related, and the source of 10 cases remain unknown. At least 452 people have tested negative and 25 results are outstanding.

St. Johns County’s 12 cases are divided among eight men and four women aged 38 to 69, four of which are travel-related. One of the new cases on Saturday was a member of the Sawgrass Country Club, which has notified other members who were likely in close contact with him. Data shows 177 people have tested negative for the virus and results for 27 people are pending.

Clay County reports positive tests for three men and three women, one of whom -- a 70-year-old man -- died. Two of these cases were known to be travel-related. The county has reported 58 negative tests and eight test results are up in the air.

The first COVID-19 patient in Columbia County, a 46-year-old woman, was reported Sunday morning. The case is not travel related. In the county, 15 people have tested negative for the coronavirus and 16 tests are pending.

One patient, an 87-year-old woman, was reported in Baker County. The case was not-travel related. Nine people in the county have tested negative for the virus, with seven tests pending.

In Putnam County, a 67-year-old man has tested positive for COVID-19, and it’s a travel-related case. There have been 40 negative tests, and 13 are pending.

The lone patient in Nassau County -- the first reported in Northeast Florida -- is a 68-year-old man whose case is classified currently as being travel-related. Nineteen people there have tested negative for COVID-19.